I do not know how to fill out the form for travel approval. Please help me!
This is a short walkthrough.
Page 1:
1. Personal details
- If you receive a salary, please tick application for approval of "business trip".
- If you receive a scholarship, please tick "no-employee" (Externe) and choose employed as "Stipendiat/In".
- Fill out the entire place of employment with name and address. Also indicate your home address and mobile phone no if you are not employed at GEAS.
2. Travel details
- Note that the travel details may differ from the details you need to fill in the section "Work at business location". You have to fill out both details. Travel details are the dates of dearture and arrival. "Work at business location" is the start date/time and end date/time of the conference/event/fieldwork start.
- You are allowed by the Federal Travel Expense Act to combine your stay with a private stay of 5 work days (weekends not included). These have to be indicated in the "private stay" field.
- Please specify the "reason for traveling" with the reason (paper presentation/panel organization/fieldwork) and the name of the event/conference or summer school, or fieldwork site.
3. Means of transportation
Please use the cheapest means possible (train, bus, shared car), but also help save the environment. You are of course allowed to use an airplane if you are travelling within Europe or abroad, but please note that FU has declared a climate emergency, and essential travels within 1000km should be conducted by other means than airplane, if possible. You will always need to state a reason for plane use, i.e. "overseas travel/long-distance flight".
4.Travel expenses
- In general, please tick the field X travel allowance. If the conference or workshop organizer provides for your accommodation or travel, indicate this in the field X third party funding.
- For fieldwork flights, please tick the field "travel costs are partially waived" for X daily allowance. Daily allowances (living costs) are usually not granted for no-employees on fieldwork with scholarships or if they are living on site. Salaried employees on secondment with full salary may also not receive allowances. You can always waive the daily allowances for conference travel in case you want to save the money.
- You can choose to waive other costs as well, if you want to use your budget carefully and would like to waive expenses for X accommodation or X travel if you are not applying for the reimbursement of either position.
- Caution: If a conference or workshop organizer provides for your accommodation or travel, do not tick the waiver of respective travel or accommodation costs. You are not waiving the costs, someone else just pays for them.
- Please also indicate the estimated costs in the last field below.
5. Teaching
Please tick the left box for non-teaching obligations. Or the right box in case you have teaching obligations.
Below part left:
Please do not forget to sign the sheet after printing it out or use digital handwriting.Below part right:
This part will be filled out by GEAS or the person responsible for funding, as well as the head of department.
Page 2:
Please do not forget to fill in your name and GEAS (office) address (not your home address).
The rest of the sheet will be filled out by the head of department.