ICAS Book Prize
The ICAS Book Prize (IBP) was established in 2004. It aims to create an international focus for academic publications on Asia, thus increasing their worldwide visibility. The biennial ICAS Book Prize is awarded for outstanding books and dissertations on Asia, and has always been organised around broad interdisciplinary bases (Social Sciences and Humanities) rather than traditional geographic or disciplinary compartmentalisations.
Starting in 2017, so as to reflect ICAS’ decentralising approach, the IBP now also honours publications in Chinese, French, German and Korean (in addition to the original English Edition). Other language editions are due to follow.
The Presentation of the IBP Awards takes place during the Opening Ceremony of the ICAS meeting of that same year. The IBP 2021 Awards Presentation will take place during the Opening Ceremony of ICAS 12 in Kyoto.
The IBP English Language Edition features 4 main Awards for Books: Best Book in the Humanities; Best Book in the Social Sciences; Colleagues' Choice Award in the Humanities; Colleagues' Choice Award in the Social Sciences.
The Prizes for ‘Best Book’ each consist of €2,500 (in the case of a multi-authored work the prize will be shared equally).
The Colleagues' Choice Award winners will be reimbursed for the flight to and registration fee for the current or next ICAS meeting.
The Awards for the ‘Best Dissertation in the Humanities’ and the ‘Best Dissertation in the Social Sciences’ consist of €1250 each.