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Graduate School of East Asian Studies
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University-wide network (BUA)
BMBF: Worldmaking from a Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China (2020-)
Berlin Contemporary China Network (2021-)
Triple Alliance (Peking University, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Freie Universität Berlin) (2020-)
UZH-FU Dissertation Workshops (2015-)
Urban-rural migration and rural revitalization in Japan (DFG, 2020-2024)
Steering Urban-Rural Integration: Administrative Reconfiguration for a Unified Citizenship” (DFG, 2017-2023)
Waseda Core 2 Core: The European Union and Japan in a Fluid Global Liberal Order (2018-2023)
EVF Richard J Samuels: Security in East Asia (2015-2019)
Einstein Workshops
Meeting Einstein Visiting Fellow Samuels
Special Issue International Affairs
EVFplus Gunter Schubert: Sovereignty and International Law in the PRC (2017-2020)
List of Exchange Partners (Research and Exchange)
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"Beauty is Power" - Lookism in South Korea
"The North Korean abduction issue: emotions, securitisation and the reconstruction of Japanese identity from 'aggressor' to 'victim' and from 'pacifist' to 'normal'" (Review)
(Ver-)Handlungsspielräume der Bewegung gegen genetisch veränderte Lebensmittel: Die transnationale Vernetzung japanischer Verbraucherorganisationen
A tale of two e-mobilities
Abe looks through legal loophole for collective self-defence
Accountability Relations and Market Reform in China’s Electric Power Sector
An Unexpected Pioneer in Asia: The Enfranchisement of Foreign Residents in South Korea
Between Second and Third World: North Korean Use of “Imagined Affinity” in the Socialist Globalization Project with Regard to Tanzania (1965–1970)
Between global models and local resources: Building private art museums in the Shanghai West Bund
Beyond geopolitics: Agency and modularity in mobile telecommunications in Kazakhstan
Brasilianische Migranten in Hamamatsu – Zugang zu einem multikulturellen Feld
Bringing green food to the Chinese table: How civil society actors are changing consumer culture in China
Candidate Selection Reform in South Korea: The Persistence of Exclusive Practices Despite Inclusive Rules
Challenges and Threat Perceptions Regarding Central Asia in China and the EU
Challenging the Power of the Prosecution?
Changing civil–military relations in Japan: 2009–2012
China's Central Asia Connection
China's North Korea Debate: Redrawing the Red Line
China's Rural urbanization and the state: Putting the countryside first?
China: Zwischen Schlüsselrolle und Marginalisierung
Chinas BRICS-Vorsitz 2017: Peking hadert mit der eigenen Vormachtstellung im Club der Regionalmächte
Climate research priorities for policy-makers, practitioners, and scientists in Georgia, USA
Crash Landing on the Liberal Script Or What K-Drama & Memory Tell us about Contestations in Korea
Creating the Internal Enemy
Das Verbot der Vereinten Progressiven Partei in der Republik Korea
Debating Academic Autonomy in the German-Speaking Field of China Studies: An Assessment
Der Garnelenhandel zwischen Japan und Vietnam: Ein Beispiel für transnationale Warenketten und die Regulierung von Lebensmittelsicherheit in Asien
Der Wiederaufbau der Seele beginnt erst jetzt
Die 20. Parlamentswahlen in Südkorea 2016
Discerning Transnational Flows: The Formation and Development of Chinese Newcomers’ Transnational Businesses in Japan
Does China's "alliance treaty" with North Korea still matter?
Environmentalist protection: feminist methodology and participant risk for research with Chinese NGOs
European View: EU-US-China Relations and Climate Deals: A Threat to Transatlantic Relations?
Feste Größe. Warum der Aufstieg Chinas nicht vorbei ist.
Food safety and consumer trust in post-Fukushima Japan
Food, agriculture and risk in contemporary Japan
Gefühle triumphieren über Fakten
Germany’s quietly growing relations with Japan
Global Decarbonization after Covid-19: Strategic Options for Kazakhstan
Grand Strategy or Grand Identity? Narratives of “Universal Values” and Autonomy in Japanese Foreign Policy
Haukens historiske kall [The hawk’s historical calling]
How China is expanding beyond Western institution
How Does Your Country Rank These Days? On the Reshuffle at the Top of the Nation Brands Index 2023.
How dependent is Germany on China?
Human borders? Regulating immigration and human trafficking in East Asia
Identity Continuities, Far-Right Acquiescence, and the “New” and the “Old”: Finnish and Swedish NATO Accession and Neutrality
India-Pakistan tensions test the Shanghai cooperation organization's mettle
Intentional Wanghong Environments Mediating Urban Futures in Xiongan New Area
Japan's strategic contrast
Japanese Climate Related Aid to Southeast Asia: Furthering ‘Weak’ or ‘Strong’ Sustainability?
Japan’s Military-Political Domination of Occupied North China and the Local Chinese Response, 1937-1945
Japan’s ideal and less ideal victims
Japan’s nuclear power plans don’t add up
Judicialization of Politics and the Korean Constitutional Court: the Party Chapter Abolition Case
Kazakhstan’s Three-way Balancing Act between Competing Powers is under Pressure
Korea Focus
Korea Focus - Working Paper No. 12
La clase media urbana de la República Popular de China
Lay People and Experts in Citizen Science: Monitoring Radioactively Contaminated Food in Post-Fukushima Japan
Longtime democrat, future leader: the particular logic of Japan's values discourse
More individual choice? Students’ share in decision-making at the transition to high school in Japan (1995-2009)
More individual choice? Students’ share in decision-making at the transition to high school in Japan (1995-2009)
Non-surgery in the Salons: The Ambiguous Legitimization of Beauty Work in Urban China
Nordkoreas Atomraketen: Handlungsoptionen der USA und ihrer Verbündeten
North Korea and China, Friends Again?
North Korea sanctions still aiming for denuclearisation?
North Korean Engagement in Africa During the Cold War:A Survey of Recent Historiographical Analyses
One letter, two false signals
Online Civic Engagement and the Anti-domestic Violence Movement in China: Shifting Norms and Influencing Law
Pankaj Mishra: From the Ruins of Empire. The Revolt against the West and the Remaking of Asia
President Moon Jae-in − The Right Choice for South Korea
Punish and Drain. How China is Using its Visa Policy
Reciprocation? Not in Media Coverage
Regionalwahlen in Südkorea 2018
Reimagining Nativeness from a Migrant Anthropologist’s Positionality
Rethinking Business History in Modern China
Rural urbanization under Xi Jinping: From rapid community building to steady urbanization?
Serbian-Chinese ties - a potential threat for EU?
Special Issue: Japan's Pivot in Asia
Special issue: Dimensions of Sino–Japanese rivalry in a global context
Strengthening Germany-Japan Security Cooperation: An Examination of the Trends, Reasons, and Challenges
Structure of North China's Food Market and Circulation Network: Its "External Dependency", "Dynamic" and "Pre-modernity" (1928-1937)
Surviving disconnections
Techniques and Concepts for Shaping the Future: Assessment of Current Planning Thought Through a Content Analysis of Town Planning Textbooks
Ten years, nine floods
The 57th Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival: Enclave Amidst the Chaos?
The 57th Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival: enclave amidst chaos?
The CAI under the Chinese lens: "Win-Win" for whom?
The Cosmopolitization of Remembrance —The Kwangju Uprising and the UNESCO “Memory of the World” Register
The Great Urban Leap? On the local political economy of rural urbanisation in China
The Hierarchy of Calories? State Intervention, Food Rationing, and Food Smuggling in Occupied Tianjin (1937–1945)
The Ideas behind Putin's War in Ukraine
The Image of the Beautiful Woman: Beauty Ideals in Modern Urban China
The Institution of Presidential Impeachment in South Korea, 1992-2017
The Official Discourse of the Chinese Middle Class
The Online-Offline Nexus: Social Media and Ethnographic Fieldwork in Post-3.11 Northeast Japan
The People's Map of Global China - Kazakhstan
The Use of “Comrade” as a Political Instrument in the Chinese Communist Party, from Mao to Xi
The future of China's youth
The other city: alternative infrastructures of care for the underclass in Japan
Urban Areas as Potential Sinks for Tropical Swallowtail Moth Lyssa zampa
Verzicht als politische Strategie: Japanische Konsumenten und die Regulierung von Agrarpestiziden (1960-1980)
War is peace: the rearticulation of “peace” in Japan’s China discourse
What China’s North Korea Policy Reveals About Its Stance on Russia’s War in Ukraine
What is Central Asia for China? A Chinese Perspective
Why Beijing's air pollution matters: human health as a meaningful ground for future EU-China collaboration on non-traditional security
Why China will not cooperate with the United States on North Korea
Wieder Wohnung vom Werk?
Will the silent comeback of coal threaten Japan’s climate goals?
[Konferenzbericht] Urban-rural Migration in Japan and Europe: Transnational and Comparative Perspectives
Book Chapters
"Protect Agriculture and Food Safety!": Transnational Protests against Preferential Trade Agreements in East and Southeast Asia
Ausstieg oder Wiedereinstieg? Abes widersprüchliche Atompolitik
Chapter Three - Migrant Workers in South Korean Society
Chapter Two - The Deterioration of South Korean Democracy
Cultural diversity through the lens of YouTube: comparing Germany and Korea
Dazao xiandai dushi de fojiao shenfen rentong—yi 1920 niandai Shanghai de Shijie fojiao jushilin weili” (Making Space for Buddhist Identity in the Modern Metropolis—The Case of the World Buddhist Householder Grove in 1920s Shanghai)
Dealing with a proactive Japan
Die Ohnmacht japanischer Verbraucher: Abes Freihandelspolitik und die Regulierung genetisch veränderter Lebensmittel
Die heilige Familie
Discourse on food safety and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Perspectives from Japan
Einleitung: Umkämpftes Essen in globalen Kontexten
Embracing the periphery: Urbanites’ motivations for relocating to rural Japan
Gay Identity Formation in South Korea
Japans kulinarische Ökonomie und ihre Kosten
Kulinarische Globalisierung: Koreanische Restaurants in Berlin zwischen Authentizität und Hybridisierung
Kulinarische Widersprüche: Japanische Konsumenten und die alltäglichen Herausforderungen im globalen Agri-Food-System
La clase media urbana de la República Popular de China
Lebensmittelstandards als „Black Box“: Diskurse über Lebensmittelsicherheit und das Transpazifische Freihandelsabkommen in Japan
Politikgestaltung und Politikfelder
Recreated homeland and space imagination: the dilemma of the left-behind Korean community in China
Staat und Gesellschaft
State Intelligence in Japan
Sweden-Japan relations: From economic partners to geopolitical allies?
The Malayan Communist Party, Internationalism, and Chinese Political Participation during the Cold War (1920s–1950s)
Transnationale Wissensnetzwerke: Standards für und Messungen von Radioaktivität in Lebensmitteln in Japan nach Fukushima
Transregional protest against preferential trade agreements
Using Public Spaces to Forge National Unity in North Korea
We Planted All These Trees Decades Ago: Elder Activism against Devaluing Women’s Labour
城镇化的大跃进?关于中国农村城镇化中的地方政治经济 (The Great Urban Leap? On the local political economy of rural urbanization in China)
A matter of human rights of refugees or a diplomatic humanitarian issue of defectors? : the influence of conservative and progressive ideologies and identities on the framing of the 'North Korean defector issue' in the South Korean media
Are high-skilled workers core human resources? : Korean firms' skill-employment strategies since the 1997 Asian financial crisis
Bringing the firm back in the study of the minimum wage : strategic responses of firms in China from an institutional and organizational perspective
Central-provincial Politics and Industrial Policy-making in the Electric Power Sector in China
Contentious Narratives on National Identity of South Korea: How to Understand the Self and the Significant Others, North Korea and the United States
Cooperation across alliance systems to manage a hegemonic ally : the case of Japan's cooperation with Europe in United States-led out-of-area operations
Corporate monitoring by Chinese environmental NGOs an firm responses : a comparative case study across three industry fields
Entrepreneurialization of Ethnicity: An Ethnographic Research on Chinese Newcomer Entrepreneurs in Tokyo
Essays on renminbi internationalization
Formal institutional change and the continuity of informal practices: candidate selection procedures in South Korea
From continuing higher education to university-based lifelong learning : the institutional change of the continuing higher education policy in Korea from 1995 to 2017
Human rights in contention : the discursive politics of North Korean human rights
Initiating agenda-building under authoritarian settings : the public debate on the abolition of the "re-education through labor" (Laojiao) system in China (2010-2013)
Institutional logics in an authoritarian state : why the Chinese Communist Party's command mechanisms have remained unaffected by legal reforms
Internal politics, great powers' intervention and EU-Japan security cooperation.
Japan's multi-level water governance export to Yangon, Myanmar and Manila, the Philippines
Japan's temporal others: how the past has shaped Japanese postwar security policy
Japanese responses to internationalization of higher education: actors at universities and their involvement in the contemporary reform
Measuring Frames: Discursive Institutions in Polarized Politics
Organisational Transformation of Chinese Media Groups: The Gradual Emergence of Strategic Actors
Post-developmental state across the Taiwan Strait : an institutionalist explanation of Taiwan's liberal-oriented economic policy toward China between 1990 and 2016
Reforming nuclear safety administration in Japan after the Fukushima nuclear accident : a critical juncture in regulatory practices
The 50,000 Won Friends: Gift Money Exchange in the Alumni Network of South Korea
The Role of Mediating Institutions for the Integration of Brazilian (Im-)Migrants in Japan
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and China's strategy of shaping international norms
The ambiguity of kizuna : the dynamics of social ties and the role of local culture for community building in post-3.11 Japan.
The discursive struggle over LGBT rights in South Korea : the politics of pro LGBT policy adoption in a hostile environment
The emergence of private art museums in China : legitimizing a new organizational form in the Shanghai West Bund cultural corridor
The moving temples : a study of fishermen's religious associations in the East Lake Tai Basin
Trust, commitment and the incomplete agreement : a comparative case study on the 1964 PRC-France normalization and the 1970 PRC-Canada normalization
Vulnerability locked in : explaining local climate adaptation deficits in China and the United States
What women want: an analysis of cosmetic surgery and social achievements in contemporary urban China
Who plans small towns and how? Multiple Orders of worth in spatial planning at the local level in Sichuan, China
Monographs and Edited Books
Central Asia Forecasting 2021
Civil Society on the Move. Transition and Transfer in Germany and South Korea
Die Aufgabe der Japanologie: Beiträge zur kritischen Japanforschung
Familie - Leben - Pandemie: Worte und Welten chinesischer Wanderarbeiterinnen
Feminist Time Warp
Food, Agriculture and Risk in Contemporary Japan
German Colonialism Revisited: African, Asian, and Oceanic Experiences
Governing Insecurity in Japan – The Domestic Discourse and Policy Response
Immigration Governance in East Asia
Japan's Nuclear Disaster and the Politics of Safety Governance
Lokale Identität und ländliche Revitalisierung - Die japanische Keramikstadt Arita und die Grenzen der Globalisierung
Lost and Found in Translation - Circulating Ideas of Policy and Legal Decisions Processes in Korea and Germany
Länderbericht Korea
Making China Modern
Interpretationen und Institutionen einer chinesischen Göttin in Taiwan
Ostasien im 21. Jahrhundert. Politik - Gesellschaft- Sicherheit - Regionale Integration
Party Hegemony and Entrepreneurial Power in China: Institutional Change in the Film and Music Industries
Polarized Politics in South Korea: Political Culture and Democracy in Partisan Newspapers
Recovering Buddhism in Modern China
Sarajin jigudang gongjeonhaneun jeondangkaehyeok (사라진 지구당 공전하는 정당개혁)
Special Duty: A History of the Japanese Intelligence Community
Speculative Grounds: Positions on Beijing's Transformation
Umkämpftes Essen - Produktion, Handel und Konsum von Lebensmitteln in globalen Kontexten
Temporal Identities and Security Policy in Postwar Japan
The Chinese Lifestyle The Reconfiguration of the Middle Class in Contemporary China
The Nanyang Revolution
The Origins of the Panmunjom Regime - The Korean War and Liberal Peace Projects
The Politics of Human Vulnerability to Climate Change
The Quality of Democracy in Korea
Tracing Japanese Leftist Political Activism
Umkämpftes Essen - Produktion, Handel und Konsum von Lebensmitteln in globalen Kontexten
Visions of Humanity
China's technological catch-up to a green future
Clinton, Maggie: Revolutionary nativism : fascism and culture in China, 1925-1937 . Durham: Duke University Press, 2017 . 978-0-8223-6362-0
Drawing the sea near: Satoumi and coral reef conservation in Okinawa by C. Anne Claus, University of Minnesota Press, 2020, 256 pp. $27.00 (paperback), ISBN: 978-1-5179-0662-7, $108.00 (hardback), ISBN: 978-1-5179-0661-0
Hassid, Jonathan: China's unruly journalists : how committed professionals are changing the People's Republic . London: Routledge, 2016 . Routledge contemporary China series ; 139 . 978-1-138-95574-5
Heilmann, Sebastian: Red swan : how unorthodox policy-making facilitated China's rise . Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2018 . 978-988-237-747-9
Netzwerkmobilisierung im Verborgenen
Pankaj Mishra: From the Ruins of Empire. The Revolt against the West and the Remaking of Asia
Rethinking urbanization in modern Chinese history
Review. The Chinese Communist Party and China’s Capitalist Revolution: The Political Impact of Market. Routledge Contemporary China Series, 61. By Lance L.P. Gore. New York; London: Routledge, 2013
Review: Anna Wiemann: Networks and Mobilization Processes: The Case of the Japanese Anti-Nuclear Movement after Fukushima
Review: Byung-Yeon Kim: Unveiling the North Korean Economy. Collapse and Transition
Review: Gipouloux, François (Hrsg.): China`s Urban Century. Governance, Environment and Socio-Economic Imperatives. Cheltanham 2015.
Review: Manchurian Memories in Postwar Japan -- Satou Ryou, Kano Tomohiro, Yukawa Makie (eds.)
Sternsdorff-Cisterna, Nicolas: Food safety after Fukushima : scientific citizenship and the politics of risk . Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press, [2019] . 978-0-8248-7213-7
The Frontline of Research on Communication, Media, and Culture in Korea
[Konferenzbericht] First GEAS Graduate Conference
[Konferenzbericht] Social Science Research and Society in Japan and Germany: Impact, Institutions and Perspectives, JDZB Berlin, 23–25. November 2018
Video, audio and more
Protests & Diplomacy in Central Asia: shifting roles of China, Russia, and Europe
Saved by the Party-State
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