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Guidelines for hosting Conferences/Workshops at GEAS

Should you have secured funding for your event, invited guests can be accommodated at hotels or receive a lump sum which includes accommodation expenses.

Accommodation expenses for guests should be calculated according to the Federal Travel Expense Law or the regulations of the third party funding grant.

If you plan a 2-day conference, accommodation for the date(s) of the conference (1 night) can be granted for invited speakers from Germany and Europe who can easily travel within one day. A second night can be covered if the invited speaker is not able to arrive or return home on the same day or opts to travel long-distance with climate-friendly options (no airfare).  We usually recommend to calculate 2-3 nights for invited speakers from across the oceans, should the funding allow. Speakers from abroad can also use hybrid/video conference options.

There are several funds available for catering: budgetary funds and third-party funds. If the third party does not provide different rules for catering, the guidelines for the use of public funds of the Federal State of Berlin apply.

Budget audits of the university are carried out regularly by the State Audit Office and may have severe consequences if they surpass the budget or violate the household spending guidelines. Please let GEAS know about any expenses you are planning to make for catering.

The following guidelines apply for catering (tips, pfand, etc. have to be excluded):



Coffee, Tea

per person


per person


per person

FU members and students 8,00 EUR 16,00 EUR 25,00 EUR
guest professors and researchers 11,00 EUR 21,00 EUR 35,00 EUR
High-ranking officials 14,00 EUR 28,00 EUR 54,00 EUR

How to calculate catering:

Example 1 : 1-day workshop (public)

Invited guests:

  • 5 researchers (speakers) from other universities in Germany, UK and Asia


  • ca. 10 students (FU and international)


  • 2 coffee breaks
  • 1 lunch

Coffee breaks: 2 x (Researchers (5*11) +Students (10*8)) = 270 EUR max.

Lunch: (Researchers (5*35)+Students (10*25)) = 425 EUR max.

The maximum budget for catering is 695 EUR.

How to order catering:

In case you have been allocated funds, you need to ask the person responsible for the "cost center" to order and pay for catering or invitations first. You need to ask for 3 different offers for your catering and possibly choose the most economic of theses offers. If your calculated budget exceeds 500 EUR, you need to ask for 3 individual and written offers for catering. Only the person responsible for the funding is allowed to officially accept the offer of the catering service. A program flyer and a list of participants must be submitted after the conference.

Please note that the university does not offer honoraria: we can offer to cover the travel expenses and accommodation of invited lecturers and panelists. Lecturers from FU or the State of Berlin cannot be remunerated.

Funds are available for GEAS members for public conferences, workshops, roundtables and guest lectures. Please apply before the invitation and ask for funding with GEAS Coordinator.

Please apply with the following:

1. Short proposal for the intended format or information on the guest lecturer.

2. Informal approval from PhD advisor

3. Draft for financial concept and/or third party funding options