VPN Access
Access and uploads:
You can log on to the Zedat portal and use the ftp server for uploading files from your computer to the office.
Use a proxy server: ZEdat Tip4U No 15
Use the remote desktop server.
Acces to the office hard drive/user profile from anywhere:
1. Go to the Zedat Portal page and log in with your Zedat Username and Password.
2. Go to the tab: Services. Download VPN (Cisco) client or AnyConnect or download the apps for android and iOs. Linux users need to open standard packages for VPN networks first. Details here: Zedat Tip4U No 32
3. Install VPN Client with FU-Berlin (Login:vpn.fu-berlin.de).
4. Connect with VPN with Zedat Username and Password.
5. If you cannot find your network or cannot connect to server:
- Open My Computer or the internet browser.
- Windows/Linux users: Search: \\campus.fu-berlin.de\user\home_[First letter of your ZEDAT-Username] / [ZEDAT-Username]
- Mac users: Search: smb://campus.fu-berlin.de/user/home_[First letter of your ZEDAT-Username] / [ZEDAT-Username]
- When asked for login, you need to establish a connection to the domain first: FU-Berlin\username and Password.
- Troubleshooting at the Zedat Portal