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Promovierende 2023

Minzhi Chen

The rise of the internet celebrity diplomats and digital nationalism in contemporary China

Lucas Erlbacher

The evolution and current state of contemporary Chinese economic thought

Jihye Jung

Women’s Empowerment in the Democratization of South Korea

Gaofeng Qi

Care Trajectories and Cochlear Implants in China

Promovierende 2022

Yicheng Chen

The Unmooring Project: An Ethnography of Island Making in Hainan

Shixuan Lyu

The end of neoliberalism in China: New governmentality of grass-root party organization in rural society

Zhuo Niu

Witnessing COVID-Complexity in Wuhan: Pandemic, biopolitics and the Chinese representations of compliance/resistance in Crisis

Yijun Xu

A German-Korean comparative study of the young generation’s unification Perception: Wiliness and Change

Xu Yijun

Promovierende 2021

Antonie Angerer

BMBF fellow

Visual Culture of urban futures as networked spectacle in China’s urbanization process

Junsang Lee

Searching for a Better Future, Escaping from Hell-Joseon: A Study of Korean Youths in Berlin

Lin Yu Ng


Precarity and Hope in Japan: Motivations and Risk Perceptions of Residents in post­-Disaster Fukushima

Seunghwan Ryu


The lnfluence of lnter-Korean Detente-Containment Debates in the Yushin Period (1973-1979) on Two Koreas' Diplomacy towards the 'Third World' and the South

Nicolas Stassar

ERC Fellow

Trying the Enemy: The Legal Interpretation of the Status of Prisoners of War By the Japanese Military Legal System 1929-1948

Lin Xu

guest 21/22

Non-Governmental Organizations’ Policy Advocacy under Disparate Political Opportunity Structures in China

Promovierende 2020

Yura Hyeon

Drifting Happiness: Unearthing Life of Young Yemeni Refugees aged 20-30 in Jeju Island and Seoul

Erik Isaksson


Political Dialogues as Institutions: Resolving Conflict and Consolidating the Nation?

Chi Ho Kiang


The Taste of Occupation: Food, War, and Society in Occupied North China, 1937-1945

Cecilia Luzi

Project:Urban-rural migration and rural revitalization in Japan

Tu Thanh Ngo

Project: Urban-rural migration and rural revitalization in Japan

Shoko Tanaka

Probing the Link between Culture and Democracy through the Indicator Framework on Culture and Democracy (IFCD), with Case Studies in Japan

Hao Zhang


How Can Government Reform Towards The Future: Citizens’ Participatory In The Development Of Chinese Smart Cities

Yating Zhang


Starting a Market Economy – Institutions and Memories of the Reform and Opening era in China (1972-1987)

Promoiverende 2019

Sarah Bijlsma


Hybrid Nature: Multi-species world-making in postwar Okinawa

Maja Korbecka


Chinese film industry within One Belt One Road project

Jingyi Li


Home Making and Belonging in Return Migration: Korean Chinese as International Labors

Xuan Wen


Research on the Micro Situation of Environmental Policy Implementation in Rural China

Promovierende 2018

William Fujii


Japan's Political Institutions and East Asia Policy: Processes, Continuities, Changes, 1947 - 2017

Nakako Hattori


Domestic Constraints of an East Asian community: Ranking Frames of Japan's State Identity and Regional Political Disintegration (2003-2015)

Hyein Lee


Buddhist Military Chaplaincy of South Korea: Inner Workings and Interplays of Ideas and Discourses

Suhon Lee


Social Networks of Yemeni Asylum-Seekers in South Korea

Promovierende 2017

Mei Chen

Policy Making in China's Health System

Gwendolyn Domning

Presidential Depravity Abides – Continuities and Changes of Institutionalized Corruption in South Korea since Democratization

Lenard Görögh

The Emergence of New Markets and Business Models in Present-Day Japan

John Jacobs

Japan’s Security Cooperation with Europe: Between the Bilateral US-Japan Alliance and UN Multilateralism

Hendrik Johannemann


Anti-LGBTI Activism in South Korea and Its Transnational Connectedness

Misun Kim


A Study on the Colonial Origins of the Modern Korean Political System

Bin Li


Exploring the New Chinese Community in Japan: A Study of Ikebukuro’s Chinese Community

Elizabeth Noble

A different lens: social change and female photographers in Japan in the 1990s

Marina Zucker Marques

The Chinese Strategy of Renminbi Internationalization

Promovierende 2016

Oyuna Baldakova

Win-Win on the Local Level: The Belt and Road Initiative in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan and its Stakeholder Narratives

+49 30 838 57670

Lu Chen

Alumna | DAAD

The Moving Temples--A Study on the Religious Organizations of Fishermen in the Eastern Part of Tai Lake

+49 30 838 57680

Olteun Kim


The Policy Decision Process beyond Anti-LGBT Politics in South Korea

Xinyi Lin


Understanding different pathways towards low carbon transition - A comparison of urban energy transition in Germany and China

+49 30 838 57675

Chaline Mondwurf

The Role of Mediating Institutions for Brazilian Migrants in Japan

Viktória Orbán

Non-traditional Security Cooperation between Dependent Members of the US Alliance System: the Euro-Japanese Partnership

Bonaventura Rescigno

Legitimacy and the production of ideas: the "new type of think tanks with Chinese characteristics"

+49 30 838 57675

Eva Seiwert


„China’s evolving interest in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation“

+49 30 838 57675

Marie Weishaupt

Nuclear Threat, Self-Evacuation and New Life Itineraries: An Institutional Approach to Care Provision in the Aftermath of 3.11

+49 30 838 57670

Weijing Xing


A Reversed Transregional Diffusion? A Study on Japan-EU cooperation

+49 30 838 57675

Doctoral Candidates 2015

Anny Boc


China’s Conflicting Roles in World Politics: Reconstructing China’s North Korea Policy

Julia Gerster


Kizuna: The dynamics of social ties in post-disaster Japan. Impacts of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Radiation.

Ji Young Heo


South Korea’s Understanding of Middle Power:Interests and a National Identity

Madeleine Heuer


South Korean Identities, Ideologies and the Framing of North Korean Defectors in the South Korean media

+49 30 838 59742

Anselm Huppenbauer


Regionalism and regionalization in the Tumen River region

+49 30 838 59739

Hyuk Jung


From Saving to Shaming: The Emergence of the North Korean Human Rights Field and the Dynamics of NGO Politics, 1995-2015

+49 30 838 59742

Elena Korshenko


Perpetuated Instability? Life Cycle of New and Minor Parties in Japan, 2005-2016

Valeria Lotti


What women want: Beauty surgery and gender roles in Chinese urban society

Julia Teebken


Climate Vulnerability – Wicked problem or neglected responsibility? Local approaches in China and the United States

+49 30 838 59742

Dan Wu


Chinese Provinces and the Industrial Policy-making in China's Electric Power Sector

+49 30 838 59739

Yi Zhu


Shaping (online) public sphere in an authoritarian society? – How Chinese actors pushed the abolishment of the “reeducation through labor (Laojiao)”- system

Promovierende 2014

Ran Cheng

The Rising Income Inequality in China and Its Interaction with China's Economic and Political Regime

Jihye Han

The institutionalization of the Korean higher education system with regard to lifelong learning and the support system for working adults in Korea

Angela Leggett

Chinese NGO monitoring of corporate environmental responsibility and firms' responses

Lisa Melcher

The multiple orders of planning: spatial development strategies for towns in rural Sichuan

Kei Namba

Japan's multi-level water governance in Southeast Asia

Jan Niggemeier

The Other Labour Movement - Community Unions' Role in Japanese Labour Revitalisation

Simon Schwenke

Institutional Change of Civilian Control in Japanese Forces

Kyong Yong Francis Yoon

The effects of tax policy on the mixed economy of welfare: a comparative study on South Korea, Japan and Germany

Ganyi Zhang

Trust, Commitment and the Incomplete Agreement:  A comparative case study on the 1964 PRC-France normalization and the 1970 PRC-Canada normalization

Yifei Zhu

European Integration and the Prospects of Regionalism in Northeast Asia:A Comparative Study Based on Explanatory Integration Theory

Promovierende 2013

You Kyung Byun


100,000 Won Friends: Calculating Gifts and Debts Among Dear Friends in South Korean Institutional Network

Oul Han


Measuring Frames: Discursive Institutions in Polarized Politics

Ulv Hanssen


Japan's Temporal Others: How the Past Has Shaped Japanese Postwar Security Policy

Paul Joscha Kohlenberg


Visible and Invisible Guidance: Adaptive Institutional Change and CCP Document-Politics

Florentine Koppenborg

Climate and energy policy in Japan

Eva Liias

Higher Education in the European-Asian Relations - Role of Universities

Silvan Meier

The Organisational Transformation of Media Groups in China

Daniela Simon

The Imperial House of Japan in Times of National Crises

Eun Hee Woo

Institutional Change and Intra-Party Democracy : Mechanisms of Party Elite Recruitment in Korea and Germany

Giulia Zennaro

Change in the Institutional Field: Private Art Museums in China, 2005-2014