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Application Period for PhD at GEAS (for start in 2023)

15 September-14 November 2022

News from Sep 12, 2022

GEAS offers a structured 3-(4-)year PhD program with a regional focus on East Asia (China, Japan, Korea). Doctoral dissertations at GEAS are expected to analyze modern or contemporary East Asia in the field of politics, society, economy, culture, law or history.

Two fully funded scholarships for international candidates are available upon nomination to the DAAD-GSSP program by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Two fellowships for candidates with Chinese citizenship are available through the cooperation of Freie Universität and the Chinese Scholarship Council through the FUB-CSC PhD scholarship program.

Successful applicants will have an above-average master’s degree in either area studies (Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies, Korean Studies) or a discipline represented at the Graduate School (Political Science, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Business, Economics, Law, History, Cultural Studies, Humanities) with a focus on East Asia. The language of communication is English. Successful candidates will also have language skills in an East Asian Language (Chinese, Japanese, or Korean) at a level of B2 or higher.

The next application deadline will be 14 November 2022. Please register and apply online at the Dahlem Research School Application Portal.

For questions on admission and the online portal, please also consult the Admission FAQ on our homepage or meet us on October 11, 2 PM via Webex for a short presentation and application Q&A. 

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