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Postdoctoral Fellowships at IRC – Call for Applications 2022

Application Deadline 31 March 2022

News from Jan 31, 2022

The 2022 Call for Applications for the four postdoctoral fellowships within SCRIPTS International Research College (IRC) is now online.

  • 12 months full -time
  • Application deadline: 31 March 2022 (successful candidates will be informed in May 2022)

News from Jan 31, 2022

SCRIPTS is offering up to four postdoctoral fellowships within its International Research College (IRC). The duration of the fellowship is 12 months (October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2023) with a stipend of €30.000 (including travel and relocation expenses), paid in monthly rates of €2.500.

The International Research College

The IRC is the hub for international visiting scholars as well as postdoctoral fellows. The IRC forms the Berlin International College of Research and Graduate Training (BIRT) together with the Graduate School BGTS. Through this unique structure, postdoctoral fellows are embedded in an interdisciplinary, international and diverse environment and benefit from regular exchange with junior as well as senior scholars at the Cluster.

The Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)”

SCRIPTS is a research consortium that analyses the contemporary controversies, their causes, and their consequences about the model of liberal democracy and the market economy. The term “liberal script” relates to a set of ideas and institutional prescriptions about how society is organised based on the core principle of individual self-determination. The main purpose of SCRIPTS is to understand why the liberal model of order has fallen into crisis despite its political, economic, and social achievements. SCRIPTS has been operating since 2019 and is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) until the end of 2025. The Cluster is hosted by the Freie Universität Berlin and unites eight major Berlin-based research institutions.

The Research Units (RU)

SCRIPTS realises its research programme by putting together four Research Units (RU) focusing on specific issues each script has to address: Borders, Orders, (Re-) Allocation and Temporality. The four RUs investigate who is contesting what, which factors drive these contestations, and what the effects of the contestations are. Each RU consists of multidisciplinary research teams, systematically cutting across disciplinary and epistemic boundaries.

Requirements and eligibility

Successful candidates must have their doctoral thesis submitted by the fall of 2022 (September 30, 2022 at the latest).

We encourage applications on projects focussing on contemporary controversies about the liberal order from a historical, global, and/or comparative perspective and we are especially interested in topics, which reflect the research agenda of the Cluster’s four Research Units:

  • Contestations and transformations of “the liberal border script” and its principles and challenges to territoriality and citizenship through processes of globalization, regionalization, (de)imperialization, technological change, and other factors

  • Contestations of the liberal order script including state structures, rights, and political rule and resistance to institutions of global governance

  • Contestations of the liberal script through a combination of inequalities and other pressures such as climate change, demographic change, and (forced) migration with a focus on the global south, preferably Africa or South Asia

  • Time-related and historical challenges to the liberal script, tensions between future-oriented values against present-oriented norms and divergent understandings of temporality and progress and their influence on how actors allocate time to market and non-market activities

Applications from our international partners, as well as countries of the Global South are particularly welcome.


Find detailed information about the requirements, application procedure and documents here.

All applicants are required to apply online until 31 March 2022. Please submit your application via the online portal.

For questions, please consult this webpage or contact irc@scripts-berlin.eu.

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