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Cusanus Prize 2023 for #OutInChurch

GEAS and Cusanus fellow Hendrik Johannemann and Burkhard Hose received the Cusanus Prize 2023 as representatives for the initiative #OutInChurch on 23 June 2023.

News from Jun 25, 2023

The Cusanus Prize was awarded to 3 initiatives this year in 2023. The prize money of 5,000 EUR is awarded by the Stiftung Begabtenförderung Cusanuswerk. Since 2009, the foundation awards the prize in recognition of fellows who show important social commitment.

The Bischöfliche Studienförderung Cusanuswerk is the German Catholic Church's scholarship program for students and doctoral candidates. More information on the Prize in German: https://stiftung.cusanuswerk.de/cusanus-preis/cusanus-preis-2023/die-preistraegerinnen-und-preistraeger

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