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New publication by Cornelia Reiher

Asien Special Issue

Asien Special Issue

News from Jul 09, 2019

GEAS faculty member Cornelia Reiher has published a special issue on „Fieldwork in Japan: New Trends and Challenges“ in ASIEN: The German Journal on Contemporary Asia (No. 149). The special issue presents six papers based on papers presented in the Anthropology section at the 17th conference of the German Association of Japanese Studies (Japanologentag), held in Berlin in August 2018 and includes also an additional paper that was not part of the original conference. The authors address how fieldwork in Japan has changed and how they respond to challenges when accessing the field, specifically in their reciprocal relations with informants, when choosing the best means of presenting results and teaching research methods to students. The issue includes contributions by current and former GEAS members Julia Gerster, Chaline Timmerarens and Cornelia Reiher.

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