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Joint Commission of Departments

The Joint Commission of Departments for the Doctoral Study Program East Asian Studies (GK) is formed by representatives of the Departments History and Cultural Studies, Political and Social Sciences, Business and Economics, Philosophy and Humanities, and Law. The committee is composed of professors, scientific staff, administrative staff and student representatives in a ratio of 7:2:2:2.

Its task is to discuss and decide on reforms of the doctoral program East Asian Studies and to ensure that the decisions are implemented. At regular intervals, the GK meets to discuss problems and developments in the study program and quality management. The development and creation of new curricula and study and examination regulations are as much a part of its tasks as the monitoring of existing regulations.

Acting Head of Joint Commission: Urs Matthias Zachmann

Department of History and Cultural Studies  

Cornelia Reiher Verena Blechinger-Talcott  professor
Eun-Jeung Lee Urs Matthias Zachmann  professor
Genia Kostka  N.N.  professor
Katrin Gengenbach N.N. staff representative
Johanna F. Momm   student representative
Department of Politics and Social Sciences  
N.N.    professor
N.N.   academic representative
Department of Business and Economics  
Gregory Jackson Barbara Fritz  professor
N.N.   academic representative
Department of Law  
(Markus Heintzen) N.N.  professor
Ulf Marzik Mario Schönwälder staff representative
Department of Philosophy and Humanities  
Doris Kolesch  (N.N.)  professor
n/a   student representative