Nicolas Schillinger

PostDoc at GEAS from 2014-2015, now Chinese Studies Department
Chinese Studies, History
14195 Berlin
Nicolas received an MA in History and Sinology from the University of Cologne in 2007. He completed his doctoral studies at the University of Heidelberg in 2013, where he was a member of the Cluster Asia and Europe in a Global Context. He taught at the University of Chicago as a visiting lecturer in spring 2012.
Modern Chinese History
Qing History
Gender and Body History
History of Military Culture
Governing the Army. Body and Masculinity in the Chinese Military, 1895-1916 (in preparation).
Edited Volumes
Migrating Ideas of Administration and Governance between Asia and Europe since the Early Modern Period. Leiden et al.: Brill.
Co‐editor and co-author of the Introduction with Susan Richter and Sebastian Meurer (in preparation, 2014).
Survey the People. The Emergence of Population Statistics as Technology ofGovernment in Early 20th Century China.
In Antje Flüchter/Susan Richter (ed.). Structures on the Move. Technologies of Governance in Transcultural Encounters. Heidelberg: Springer, 87‐
103 (2012).
Professional New Armies for China. Corruption and the Body Politic in Late Qing and Early Republican Military Reforms.
In Susan Richter et al. (ed.). Migrating Ideas of Administration and Governance between Asia and Europe since the Early Modern Period.
Leiden et al.: Brill.
Encyclopaedia Entries
„Green Standard Army“, „Xiang Army“, „Huai Army“, „New Army“. In Michael Dillon (ed).
Encyclopaedia of Chinese History. London: Routledge (forthcoming 2014).
Conference Papers
Die Rezeption westlicher Militärliteratur in China während der späten Qing und der Republikzeit.
Annual Meeting of the Arbeitskreis Militärgeschichte, University of Munich, October 2013.
Governing the Body – Qing Military Reforms after 1894‐95.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Military History, New Orleans, March 2013.
Bestrafung und Militär in China im 18. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert.
Workshop Militärische Professionalisierung in China und Europa (1500‐1800), University of Leipzig, November 2012.
The 'New Policy' and Bureaucratic Reform in Early Twentieth Century China.
The Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA) 3rd Annual Conference, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, February 2012.
Micro‐technologies of Governance. Soldierly Bodies in China around 1900.
Conference Migrating Ideas of Administration and Governance between Asia and Europe since the Early Modern Period Tsinghua University, September 2010.
Statistik als staatliches Instrument. Der Transfer einer europäischen Regierungstechnologie nach China im frühen 20. Jahrhundert‘.
Conference Early Modern State (Building) in Asia and Europe. Comparison, Transfer and Entanglement Heidelberg University, October 2009.
Professional New Armies for China: Discovering Corruptive Practices as a Problem of State Security.
Workshop Being an Official. The Sale of Public Offices and its Effect in Comparative Perspective, Fairbank Centre for Chinese Studies, Harvard University, April 2009.