Oul Han

Measuring Frames: Discursive Institutions in Polarized Politics
Oul was born in South Korea, but was brought up in Germany as a "1.5th" generation immigrant since the age of one. She was studying Fine Art at St. Martins School of Art in London when she became alerted to the reactions around the Global Financial Crisis during 2008. Her fascination with the gap between scholarly, market, and public opinions led her to pursue a Master's degree in European Area Studies/ International Studies at Seoul National University. Before coming to Berlin with a research interest, she has worked as translator and as lecturer for German speech at Seoul National University, as well as in external affairs at Fraunhofer Representative Office Korea and Korea Institute of Public Finance and Taxation.
(The following are goals and I welcome invitations for mutual study and exchange:) quantitative analysis of text as data; comparative regionalism; rational models in political science; methodological issues; combining quantitative and qualitiative approaches; text mining
2014. "Pankaj Mishra: From the Ruins of Empire. The Revolt against the West and
the Remaking of Asia". Asien (The German Journal on Contemporary Asia) 133:121-123.
2012. Regional Integration and Productivity Convergence in Europe and East Asia (Masters degree dissertation), Graduate School of Int'l Studies, Seoul Nat'l Univ.