Ulv Hanssen

Japan's Temporal Others: How the Past Has Shaped Japanese Postwar Security Policy
Mobility Phase: 01 January 2015- 30 Sep 2015 The University of Tokyo, Institute of Social Sciences, Tokyo, Japan
Peer reviewed articles
Hagström, Linus and Ulv Hanssen (2016) ‘War is peace: the rearticulation of “peace” in Japan’s China discourse’, Review of International Studies 42 (2): 266 – 286.
Hagström, Linus and Ulv Hanssen (2015) ‘The North Korean abduction issue: emotions, securitisation and the reconstruction of Japanese identity from “aggressor” to “victim” and from “pacifist” to “normal”’, The Pacific Review 28 (1): 71 – 93. Republished in Hagström, Linus (ed. 2016) Identity Change and Foreign Policy: Japan and its 'Others', Milton Park and New York: Routledge.
Presentations at conferences and seminars
(2017) Speaker at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs’ seminar ‘North Korea and East Asian Security’, Stockholm, March 17. Presentation: ‘Kim Jong-un’s first five years in power’.
(2016) Conference of the Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society (NAJS), Trondheim, April 28–29. Paper: ‘Japan’s Temporal Others: How the Past Has Shaped Japanese Postwar Security Policy.
(2014) Conference: 55th Annual Convention, International Studies Association (ISA), Toronto, March 26–29. Panel: ‘Discursive Power Struggle: How Discourses Enable and Constrain the US, Japan and China’. Paper: ‘What Pacifism Enables: From Sino- Japanese Friendship to Increasing Tensions’, co-presented with Linus Hagström.
(2013) Conference: Swedish Institute of International Affairs’ 75 years anniversary conference on ‘Global Power Shifts’, Stockholm, August 28–30. Panel: ‘The Rise and Demise of Asian World Supremacy: Power, Effects and Identities’. Paper: ‘What Peace Enables: From the “Normalisation” of Sino-Japanese Relations to the “Normalisation” of Japanese Security Policy’, co-presented with Linus Hagström.
(2013) Conference: Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society (NAJS) 2013 Conference, Aarhus, March 14–15. Paper: ‘Japanese identity and the abduction issue: from “aggressor” to “victim”, from “pacifist” to “normal” country?’
Online blogs
(2016) ‘North Korea sanctions still aiming for denuclearisation?’, East Asia Forum, accessible at http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2016/03/11/north-korea-sanctions-still-aiming-for-denuclearisation/
(2015) ‘Japan’s ideal and less ideal victims’, Asia Portal’s In Focus Blog, accessible at http://infocus.asiaportal.info/2015/04/21/japans-ideal-and-less-ideal-victims/, republished (in Italian) as ‘Giappone – Da Megumi a Kenji: vittime ideali e non [Japan – From Megumi to Kenji: ideal and non-ideal victims]’, China Files, accessible at http://www.china-files.com/it/link/45863/giappone-abe-la-costituzione-e-il-cavillo-storico
(2014) ‘Abe looks through legal loophole for collective self-defence’, East Asia Forum, accessible at http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2014/05/30/abe-looks-through-legal-loophole-for-collective-self-defence/, republished (in Italian) as ‘Giappone - Abe, la costituzione e il cavillo storico [Japan - Abe, the constitution and the historical loophole]’, China Files, accessible at http://www.china-files.com/it/link/39816/giappone-abe-la-costituzione-e-il-cavillo-storico
(2013) ‘North Korea changes its tune (again)’, The Diplomat, accessible at http://thediplomat.com/2013/09/north-korea-changes-its-tune-again/1/
(2013) ‘Explaining North Korea’s irrationality’, East Asia Forum, accessible at http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2013/06/29/explaining-north-koreas-irrationality/
(2013) ‘A couple of under-reported observations on North Korea’s rocket launch’, Asia Portal’s In Focus Blog, accessible at http://infocus.asiaportal.info/2013/01/07/a-couple-of-under-reported-observations-on-north-koreas-rocket-launch/
(2012) ‘Tio år av resultatlös diplomati [Ten years of fruitless diplomacy]’, UI-bloggen, accessible (in Swedish) at http://www.ui.se/blog/uibloggen/2012/10/17/tio-ar-av-resultatlos-diplomati.aspx
Op-eds and non-peer reviewed articles
(2015) ‘Haukens historiske kall [The hawk’s historical calling]’ op-ed (in Norwegian) in Klassekampen, July 21.
(2013) ‘Läskigaste platsen på jorden: Förutsättnigar för avspänning saknas på Koreahalvön [The scariest place on earth: conditions for disarmament lacking on the Korean Peninsula]’, Internationella Studier [International Studies] (in Swedish), No 1: 46 – 47.
(2013) ‘Hot och isolering fel strategi i konflikten med Nordkorea [threats and isolation wrong strategy in conflict with North Korea]’ (with Linus Hagström and Mikael Weissmann), op-ed in DN Debatt, April 14, accessible (in Swedish) at http://www.dn.se/debatt/hot-och-isolering-fel-strategi-i-konflikten-med-nordkorea/
Media appearances
TV and internet Interviews
(2015) dbate.de, ‘Mein Besuch in Nordkorea [My visit to North Korea]’, March 23, accessible (in German) at http://dbate.de/videos/mein-besuch-in-nordkorea-komplett/
(2013) Gomorron Sverige [Good Morning, Sweden], April 11, interview (together with Hans Blix) about North Korean provocations, accessible (in Swedish) at http://www.svtplay.se/klipp/1152514/nordkorea-krisen
(2013) TV 4 News, August 15, Interview about the intra-Korean negotiations aimed at reopening the Kaesong Industrial Complex (in Swedish).
Radio interviews
(2017) Studio Ett [Studio One], March 8, interview about the security situation in Northeast Asia, accessible (in Swedish) at http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/858616?programid=1637
(2017) P4 Extra, March 7, interview about the security situation in Northeast Asia, accessible (in Swedish) at http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/859093?programid=2151
(2013) P4 Extra, July 17, interview about Cuba’s alleged weapons exports to North Korea, accessible (in Swedish) at http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/224086?programid=2151
(2013) P1-Morgon [P1 Morning], May 2, ‘Vilken väg väljer Nordkorea? [Which path will North Korea choose?], accessible (in Swedish) at http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=1650&artikel=5521850
(2013) Radio Gudrun, April 2, interview about North Korea’s latest provocations and its future, accessible (in Swedish) at http://jmkstudent.se/studentkaren/studentkaren-top-news/radio-gudruns-andra-avsnitt-ute/
(2013) P3 Nyheter [P3 News], February 12, ‘Ska inte tolkas som ett hot mot omvärlden [Should not be interpreted as a threat against the world]’, accessible (in Swedish) at http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=1646&artikel=5440262&play=4417795&playtype=Ljudklipp
(2013) Radio Varan, February 12, ‘Intervju med Ulv Hanssen om Nordkoreas kärnvapen [Interview with Ulv Hanssen about North Korea’s nuclear weapons]’, accessible (in Swedish) at https://soundcloud.com/kovacs_se/intervju-med-ulv-hanssen-om
Quotations in news articles
(2016) ‘Nye sanktioner mot Nordkorea får næppe den store effekt [New sanctions against North Korea unlikely to have big effect]’, Kristeligt Dagblad, January 7, accessible (in Danish) at http://www.kristeligt-dagblad.dk/udland/nye-sanktioner-mod-nordkorea-faar-naeppe-den-store-effekt
(2016) ‘Shinzo Abe: "È una minaccia esplicita alla nostra sicurezza" [Shinzo Abe: “A serious threat to our security”]’, Il manifesto, January 7 (in Italian).
(2014) ‘Corea del Nord: Turismo a livelli da record [North Korea, tourism hits a record-high]’, Lettera 43, June 18, accessible (in Italian) at http://www.lettera43.it/cronaca/corea-del-nord-turismo-a-livelli-da-record_43675132329.htm
(2014) ‘Japan, North Korea end first day of talks in Stockholm’, Channel NewsAsia, May 27, accessible at http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/japan-north-korea-end/1123154.html
(2013) ‘Expert: ”Ovanligt med vapenimport” [Expert: “Unusual with weapon imports”]’, Aftonbladet, July 17, accessible (in Swedish) at http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article17149136.ab
(2013) ‘Kuba perfekt partner för Nordkorea [Cuba, perfect partner for North Korea]’, DN, July 17, accessible (in Swedish) at http://www.dn.se/nyheter/varlden/kuba-perfekt-partner-for-nordkorea/
(2013) ‘Bombplan ska påminna om Koreakriget [Bomb planes supposed to remind of Korean War]’, DN, March 19, accessible (in Swedish) at http://www.dn.se/nyheter/varlden/bombplan-ska-paminna-om-koreakriget/
(2013) ‘Nordkorea utnyttjar sitt läge [North Korea exploits its position]’ SVD Nyheter, February 12, accessible (in Swedish) at http://www.svd.se/nyheter/utrikes/nordkorea-utnyttjar-sitt-lage_7908288.svd