Julia Teebken
Climate Vulnerability – Wicked problem or neglected responsibility? Local approaches in China and the United States
Julia Teebken has been a PhD Candidate at the Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS) since October 2015. Her research focuses on climate and social vulnerability in China and the United States (U.S.). In this context, Julia has been analyzing the social barriers to proactive climate adaptation responses that seek to provide for and/or improve human resilience to climate change impacts such as urban flooding and extreme heat events. Through a comparative lens, Julia has been investigating the similarities and differences with regard to local adaptation challenges and opportunities in China and the U.S. Julia is currently in the final phase of data collection, transcription and will soon enter the final writing phase in her last GEAS year.
M.A. Ethics, Peace and Global Affairs, American University, Washington DC (May 2015)
B.A. China Studies, Minor: Political Science, Free University Berlin (December 2012)
- Fulbright Scholarship for PhDs (2017-2018)
- Carnegie Council Ethics Fellow for the Future (05/2015 – 05/2016)
- Harold J. and Ruth Pearson Book Prize: Award for excellent work in philosophy / recognition of a high graduating GPA (3/2015)
- Winner of the Charles O. and Margaret Lerche Travel Grant in order to pursue field research on hybrid conflict transformation and related human rights issues in Myanmar (05/2014 – 06/2014)
Research Interests:
Climate Ethics, Comparative Climate Politics, Environmental and Climate Justice, International Climate Negotiations, Institutional Change, Political Philosophy, International Peace and Conflict Transformation
Field Research Mobility Phase:
- April-August 2018:
Visiting Scholar at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics (KIE)
Georgetown University
3700 O St NW
Washington DC, 20057
United States
- January - April 2017 / June-November 2017:
Visiting researcher at Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU)
School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA)
Huashan Rd. 1954, Huaihai Middle Rd. Entrance
- April-May 2017:
Visiting Scholar with the Vulnerability and the Human Condition Initiative (VHC) and the Feminism and Legal Theory Project (FLT)
Emory University
Gambrell Hall 1301 Clifton Road, N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30322-2270
Peer-reviewed journal articles
- (co-authored) Teebken, Julia et al. “Environmental Management Climate research priorities for policy-makers, practitioners, and scientists in Georgia, USA”. Environmental Management, pp 1–20, May 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-018-1051-4.
Reviewed articles in policy reports
- EU-US-China relations and climate deals: a threat to transatlantic relations?, Aus: LSE Special Report "New Challenges, New Voices: Next Generation Viewpoints on Transatlantic Relations”, SR022, May 2016.
Reviewed blog publications
- 2018. "Ten Years, Nine Floods: Local-Level Climate Adaptation in China”, China Environment Forum, New Security Beat, Wilson Center, accessible at: https://www.newsecuritybeat.org/2018/03/ten-years-floods-local-level-climate-adaptation-china/
- 2016. “Why Beijing's air pollution matters: human health as a meaningful ground for future EU-China collaboration on non-traditional security”, The SPEAR - Security and Politics in Europe-Asia Relations, accessible at: http://www.asianperceptions.eu/nfg-blog/why-beijing's-air-pollution-matters-human-health-meaningful-ground-eu-china-cooperation-non
Presentations at workshops, conferences and symposia
Date |
Event Title |
Presentation Topic |
Wales |
CfP for RGS-IBG Annual Conference: |
No Rest for the Wicked (Policy Challenges) |
Shanghai |
Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Shanghai Institute for International Studies Joint Workshop: "Global Climate Politics and China’s Role” |
Barriers to proactive climate adaptation in light of human resilience |
Berlin |
Freie Universität Berlin Workshop: "Trends of Global Climate Politics and China’s Role” |
Adaptation in China – A comparative analysis |
Berlin |
Freie Universität Berlin Expert Workshop: “Headlines are not the main story: a contrarian view on economic reform under Xi Jinping” |
Climate adaptation and vulnerable populations - local governance approaches in China and the U.S. |
Fort Collins 04/2017 |
Colorado State University Symposium: “Environmental Justice and Sustainability in the Anthropocene Symposium” |
A comparison of social vulnerability and local governmental responses in Jinhua county (Zhejiang province) and metro Atlanta (Georgia state) |
Atlanta |
Human Condition Initiative Workshop: A Workshop on The Environment and Vulnerability: “The Anthropocene in the Time of Trump” |
The “weak” vulnerable subject? Comparing local Chinese and U.S. approaches to human vulnerability and climate adaptation |
London |
Dahrendorf Forum-LSE IDEAS Special Report event: "Transatlantic Relations After the Election: Next Generation Perspectives” |
Transatlantic Relations After the Election - The Trump Climate Freakout? |
Oxford |
China’s Health, Environment and Welfare (CHEW) Annual Conference at the University of Oxford: "Visible and Invisible Challenges Transformations in Contemporary China” |
Social Vulnerability and Governmental Responsibility - The Sichuan 2008 Earthquake in Perspective |
New York |
Carnegie Council’s Global Ethics Fellows Fifth Annual Conference: “An Ethical Dialogue between Asia and the West: Philosophical Traditions, Moral Contentions, and the Future of US-Asia Relations” |
No One's Century or Everyone's Opportunity? |
New York |
Natural Resources Defense Council: “Understanding and communicating the groundswell of climate actions” |
Climate Commitment Platforms – A Critical Analysis of the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 |
Invited talks / lectures
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), School of International and Public Affairs Summer School: “Research Colloquium Methods Workshop”, (Shanghai, 11/2017)
- Featured in Chinese: 国务学院国际研究生首场学术沙龙活动成功举办 (The first research colloquium for international postgraduates of was successfully held), article available online (11/09/2017), http://www.sipa.sjtu.edu.cn/info/1032/5365.htm
- In English: First International Graduate Research Colloquium, article available online (11/10/2017), http://www.cpe.sjtu.edu.cn/news_detail.php?act_id=27&id=258
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), School of International and Public Affairs Summer School: “China's Policy on Climate Change, Energy and Environment”, held lecture on: Adaptation in an authoritarian fashion?, (Shanghai, 07/2017)
In the news
(In English)
- Emory University School of Law, the Feminism & Legal Theory Project, Visiting Scholar Interview Exchange Project (05/23/2017), interview available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeAb_K6QLR0
(Chinese video with English subtitles)
- Zhejiang Television, International Channel (11/22/2017): Overseas students in Jinhua ancient village (3) – A German student from Shanghai Jiaotong University: how to respond to urban-rural differences? (海外学子走进金华古村落(三)——上海交大的德国女同学,怎么看城乡差异?), available at: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/x8Ykbq_nj0MxKKg3k8ta1A
(Only in Chinese)
- Jinhua Daily (11/27/2017): Overseas student returns to her Shangjing “homestay” (海外学子再回上境难舍“家+”情, 金华日报 2017-11-27), available at: https://h5.newaircloud.com/news_detail?newsid=2734429_jhrb
- Jinhua Daily (11/27/2017): Overseas students return to the village of Shangjing (海外学子重返上境村, 2017-11-27), available at: http://h5.newaircloud.com/news_detail?aid=2723364&sid=jhrb&mobile=1&jsonUrl=http://cms.newaircloud.com:80/xy/article/PreviewPage.do?id=4587,2723364