Deutscher Akademikerinnen Bund e.V.
Diversity + role model + networking is the idea of the Deutscher Akademikerinnenbund and is also implemented in its funding committee.
Diversity: The DAB acts interdisciplinary, is not bound to any profession, party, religion, nationality or age. You can become a member during your studies.
Role model: The funding committee supports women academics of all disciplines and honours their achievements. This is done by making visible and promoting academically educated women who at the same time serve as role models for the next generation.
Networking: The DAB offers a platform at regional, national and international level for the formal and informal networking of women academics and promotes the expansion of network structures.
The funding is a special recognition of the innovative achievements of female* scientists, i.e. doctoral and postdoctoral candidates.
Scientific publications in a German publishing house through a (publisher-independent) printing cost subsidy (up to 500 euros).
Publication by LIT-Verlag (Münster/ Hamburg/ London) (without assumption of printing costs)
Digital Publications
Travel grants for conferences and meetings