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Florentine Koppenborg

Florentine Koppenborg finished her doctoral training program and is now working as a Postdoctoral Fellow at GEAS. Please find her new contact data under GEAS > People > Postdoctoral Fellows > Current PostDoctoral Fellows

Reforming nuclear safety administration in Japan after the Fukushima nuclear accident: A critical juncture in regulatory practices

Climate and energy policy in Japan

Raum 0.12

Mobility Phase: Field research as a Guest Researcher at Sophia University April 2015-September 2015; Field research as a Guest at DIJ Tokyo March 2016

Journal Articles

Koppenborg (2017): “Ausstieg oder Wiedereinstieg?: Abes widersprüchliche Atompolitik” In: Vogt, Gabriele; Heinrich, Steffan (2007 forthcoming) Abes Politik und Politik unter Abe, Iudicium Verlag.

Koppenborg (2016): “Japanese climate related aid to South East Asia: Furthering 'weak' or 'strong' sustainability?" In: ASIEN- German Journal on Contemporary Asia, No. 138, 1/2016, p.31-51.

Online Blog

2016 "Japan’s nuclear power plans don’t add up". East Asia Forum, accessible at http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2016/03/03/japans-nuclear-power-plans-dont-add-up/