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GEAS Start-off Conference 2021

Oct 13, 2021 | 10:00 AM

The aim of the start-off conference is to introduce new PhD researchers and cohorts to the Graduate School of East Asian Studies, its principles and the PhD program.

The start-off conference will take place in presence with limited capacity. Invited Early Career Researchers will receive a link to the program a few days before the StartOff.

*Preliminary Program for Oct. 27

10 AM

Welcome and Introduction (GEAS Directors Lee)

10.15 AM

 Course Program Introduction

12 PM


1 PM

Planning your PhD

ca. 2 PM

Wrap-Up and End of Conference


Time & Location

Oct 13, 2021 | 10:00 AM

Graduate School Villa, Hittorfstr. 18,1 4195 Berlin
Lecture hall