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Summer Symposium 2014

Jul 18, 2014 | 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

In our Summer Symposium 2014, the 1st Cohort of PhD students will present their “June papers” in very short talks (max 15 mins), and PI’s, faculty as well as invited guests will comment their progress. The purpose of the symposium is to give the students a chance to receive feedback on their dissertation outlines from a variety of different researchers. It is probably the last time that students can present their outline at the graduate school before they enter their fieldwork phase.

Afterwards, we will have an informal get-together with drinks and possibly a BBQ at GEAS; bring food and the occasional drink if you'd like to stay a bit longer.

Please find the updated program below and as pdf in the left column.



Translated Political Concepts in Polarized Competition: Text as Data from South Korean Political Discourse
Oul Han, Political Science/Korea

Pucho: Value estimation of human relationships

You-Kyung Byun, Anthropology/Korea


Coffee Break


The Building of Private Art Museums in Contemporary China

Guila Zennaro, Cultural Studies/China

The Politics of Terminology, the Terminology of Politics in China

Paul Kohlenberg, Political Science/China


Heritage in the Making

Jacob Tischer, Anthropology/China

The Public Role of the Imperial House of Japan as framed in Japanese Media

Daniela Simon, Cultural Studies/Japan


Lunch Break


EU’s Communication with Third Countries - Enhancing Visibility in Japan through Public Diplomacy

Eva Liias, Political Science/Japan

Domestic Media Organisations in the Transition Process of Institutional Arrangements in Contemporary China

Silvan Meier, Business and Economics/China


Coffee Break


From Temporal to Spatial Othering: The Discursive Representation of Others and its Enablement and Constraint on Security Policy in Japan

Ulv Hanssen, Political Science/Japan

Climate Change Cooperation Between Japan and ASEAN

Florentine Koppenborg, Environmental Policy/Japan

Party Elite Recruitment in Korea and Germany

Eunhee Woo, Political Science/Korea
















































Time & Location

Jul 18, 2014 | 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM