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International Cultural Relations from a Historical Perspective: Germany and Japan in Comparison

Jan 04, 2017 | 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

“People and their identities across borders transform the sovereign nation-state system.  Why do IR-scholars keep on studying inter-state power relations?”

“Cultural products and activities connect people beyond borders. Why not make use of them for a better world?”

Starting from these questions, some Japanese scholars are developing a new academic field – international cultural relations (kokusai bunka kankei, kokusai bunka-ron). The lecture introduces the development of this emerging academic field as well as its main research interests, and shows some examples of contemporary Germany and Japan. Particular attention will be given to cultural diplomacy and relationship with neighboring countries of these two countries.

Yoko Kawamura is Professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Seikei University, Tokyo, where she teaches International Relations and modern German History. She studied Political Science at Waseda University, then International Relations and contemporary German History at the University of Tokyo. Her publications include “Neues Nachdenken: Die Auswärtige Kulturpolitik Japans”, In: Kurt-Jürgen Maaß (ed.) Kultur und Außenpolitik, Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 2015) and Studies on the History of International Cultural Relations, University of Tokyo Press, 2013 (Co-edited, in Japanese).

Time & Location

Jan 04, 2017 | 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Institute for Japanese Studies
Room 1.36 (first floor)
Hittorfstr. 18
14195 Berlin