Change in Rural Japan: A Long-term Case Study
The lecturer will introduce the subject through consideration of a particular community in Kyushu where she worked, initially by carrying out a year of participant observation some forty years ago and then returning several times over the intervening period. She will put the material in a broader context of change in Japan, adding depth to understanding gained through statistics and predictions, and demonstrating some advantages of the long-term interest.
Joy Hendry is Professor Emerita of the Social Anthropology of Japan at Oxford Brookes University, founder of the Japan Anthropology Workshop and the Europe Japan Research Centre, and an Honorary Fellow of the University of Edinburgh. She has held visiting associations with Tokyo, Dōshisha and Keio universities, carried out long-term fieldwork (over more than 40 years) in an agricultural/horticultural village in Kyushu, two longish spells in a seaside town south of Tokyo, and shorter periods in many other parts of Japan. She has published many books and articles on Japan, including the regularly updated textbook Understanding Japanese Society, which is about to go into a 5th edition, Marriage in Changing Japan, based on PhD work carried out in the 1970s in the community in Kyushu, and a collection of her articles entitled An Anthropological Lifetime in Japan Brill (2017).Time & Location
May 15, 2018 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Room 2.2059 (Holzlaube)
Fabeckstr. 23-25
Freie Universität Berlin
14195 Berlin