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New article by Valeria Lotti in ASIEN 147 (Dippner/Lee (ed.))

News from Dec 03, 2018

Valeria Lotti contributed to the latest special issue of ASIEN, edited by GEAS members and associates Annet Dippner and Eun-Jeung Lee: http://asien.asienforschung.de/asien-147/

ASIEN 147 (April 2018) (in print; digital version published 2018-11-09)

Special Issue „Beauty in East Asia“ Guest Editors: Anett Dippner, Eun-Jeung Lee Issue Editor: Carmen Brandt Editorial Team: Monika Arnez, Thilo Diefenbach, Robert Pauls, Florian Pölking, Cornelia Reiher Editorial manager: Deike Zimmann
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