Angela Leggett and Kei Namba win funding for Standing Up for Science in Brussels
News from May 18, 2017
PhD candidates Angela Leggett and Kei Namba are two of the five noteworthy students to win travel funding from Freie Unviersität for "Standing Up for Science", a collaboration event in Brussels by Sense of Science and several unviersities to meet scientists who have engaged with the media and with policy and to learn from European policymakers why good evidence is important for them and how scientists can inform EU policy. Freie Universität chose 14 among 86 applicants to travel to the workshop, of which the five best applications will be supported with a travel allowance by our Center for International Cooperation and our Liaison Office in Brussels. Another GEAS member, Award Postdoc Florentine Koppenborg, was also chosen to travel to Brussels.