Valeria Lotti
Alumna Nov 2022
What women want: Beauty surgery and gender roles in Chinese urban society
Lotti, Valeria (2020), "Non-surgery in the Salons: The Ambiguous Legitimization of Beauty Work in Urban China". Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques, (51) 2, 139-162.
Lotti, Valeria (2018), "The image of the beautiful woman: beauty ideals in modern urban China", Asien 147, 92-104.
The image of the beautiful woman: Re-elaborating foreign influence in Chinese modern beauty ideals, EACS 2018 (European Association of Chinese Studies), University of Glasgow (August 29 - September, 1 2018).
The new ideals of female beauty: a look at micro cosmetic surgery in urban China, ASI 2018 (Conference of Asian Studies in Israel), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (May 23 -24, 2018).
L’institutionnalisation des canons de beauté dans la Chine urbaine: nouvelles tendances de la chirurgie esthétique, "Grandes et petites mains de la beauté: production, entretien, distribution", Université Paris Est Créteil (October 12-13, 2017).