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East Asian post-cold war and memory politics


InstructorKeun-Sik Jung
RoomInstitute of Korean Studies, Fabeckstr, 7 Seminar room
StartApr 23, 2016 | 10:00 AM
endJun 04, 2016 | 02:00 PM

Saturday, April 23, 10 am - 6 pm

Saturday, May 21, 10 am - 6 pm

Saturday, May 28, 10 am - 6 pm

Saturday, June 4, 10 am - 2 pm

Course description:

History and memory matters. In East Asian context, history and collective memories have significant roles not only for a specific generation and community groups but also in domestic politics and international relations. This seminar will address several topics which are important to understand Korean society through socio-historical perspective.

Two time period frames are especially important in this seminar. Colonial period and the Cold War or post-Cold War period. Memories of colonial rule, war and cold war confrontation, democratization, social movement, inter-Korean cooperation, post-war memory politics on monuments would be those issues covered by this seminar.

For the colonial time frame, this seminar will focus on the specific nature and activities of the colonial government, which is a censorship activities. Censorship studies not only trace historical events, but also deal with its institutional legacies and implications to understand state/society relations and nature of colonial power in comparative perspective. Another topic, belong to the colonial period is related to the issue of health politics. Specific diseases were dealt by colonial power to isolate and control specific population. This activities reveals multi-dimensional power relationships between experts, bureaucrats, administration and scientific knowledges thus shows how health politics during the colonial times shows specific and general nature of modern state power. The second time frame of this seminar is the Cold War period. Collective and individual memories produced during this time period is very significant and dynamic. Korean War memorial is still important issue in domestic politics and inter-Korean relations, memories of democratization, especially concerning Kwangju is connected to memory politics in Korean society. Memories of democratization and rapid social transformation of South Korea provided context where many related academic research emerged. Specific site and location, such as Gaesong industrial complex left meaningful social memories for the on-going Cold War in Korean peninsular, and Cold War borders became an important sites of tourism in East Asia. The issue of the Cold War memory is not an issue of East Asia, but also have global comparative dimension, considering importance of memorials and museums of former Soviet Armies. By exploring several research topics, the ultimate aim of this seminar is to introduce socio-historical approaches to broaden and deepen our understanding on Korean contemporary society.


Seminar Schedule (tentative)


  1. Session 1, April 30 (Saturday): 10.00-12.00/ 13.00-17.00

1) 10.00-12.00 : Introduction

2) 13.00-15:00 : Colonial Censorship studies in S. Korea and Japan

3) 15:00-17:00 : Colonial and post colonial History of Leprosy in Korea and East Asia


  1. Session 2, May 21 (Saturday): 10.00-12.00/ 13.00-17.00

1) 10.00-12.00 : Korean War Memorial in comparative perspective

2) 13.00-15:00 : Social Movements in S. Korea: Democracy and transitional Justice

3) 15:00-17:00 : Kwangju Problem: ‘March for the beloved’


  1. Session 3, May 28 (Saturday): 10.00-12.00/ 13.00-17.00

1) 10.00-12.00: Oral history and Memory studies in S. Korea

2) 13.00-15:00 : Gaesung Industrial Complex : South and North Korea

3) 15:00-17:00 : Post-cold war and border battlefield tourism in Kinmen


  1. Session 3, June 4 (Saturday): 10.00-12.00/ 13.00-17.00

1) 10.00-12.00: Soviet Army monuments in East Asia

2) 13.00-15:00: Soviet Army monuments in global perspective

3) 15:00-17:00: Paper Presentation and Discussion




  • (10.00-12.00/ 13.00-17.00)

1) Introduction (participants, memo A4 1 page, each 5 minutes)

2) Colonial Censorship studies in S. Korea and Japan

검열연구회 편, 『식민지검열: 제도ㆍ텍스트ㆍ실천』, 서울: 소명출판, 2011.1 (Censorship Studies Group (Jung Keun-Sik et al.) Colonial Censorship : InstitutionText Practice, Seoul: Somyung Press.)

*Jung Keun-Sik & Choi Kyeong-Hee, "The Book Department and the Systematization of Japan's Publication Police in Korea, 1926-29," The Studies in Korean Literature, vol. 30, 2006.6 ("도서과의 설치와 일제 식민지출판경찰의 체계화 1926-29," 『한국문학연구』30, 동국대 한국문학연구소)

紅野謙介ㆍ高榮蘭ㆍ鄭根埴ㆍ韓基亨ㆍ李惠鈴 共編, 『檢閱の帝國: 文化の統制と再生産』, 東京:新曜社. 2014.8 (Kono and Jung et al., Empire of Censorship: Control and Reproduction of Colonial Culture, Tokyo: shinyosha) (정근식 외, 『검열의 제국: 문화의 통제와 재생산』, 푸른역사. 2016.2)


3) Colonial and post colonial History of Leprosy in Korea and East Asia

Jung, ‘Colonial Modernity’ and the Hegemony of the Body Politic in Leprosy Relief Work, Hong Yung Lee, Yong Chool Ha and Clark W. Sorensen eds., Colonial Rule and Social Change in Korea, 1910-1945, University of Washington Press. 2013.4 pp.234-263.


  • 5.21 (10.00-12.00/ 13.00-17.00)

1) Korean War Memorial in comparative perspective

Jung Keun-Sik, China’s Memory and Commemoration of the Korean War in the Memorial Hall of the ‘War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea’, Cross-Currents:East Asian History and Culture Review 4-1, University of Hawaii Press. 2015.5 14-39.

Patrick Hagopian, The Korean War Veterans Memorial and Problems of Representation, Public Art Dialogue, 2:2 (Oct 2012)

Daniel Y. Kim, Nationalist Technologies of Cultural Memory and the Korean War : Militarism and Neo-Liberalism in The Price of Freedom and the War Memorial of Korea, Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, 4:1 (May 2015)

Suzy Kim, Specters of War in Pyongyang : The Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum in North Korea, Cross Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, 4:1 (May 2015)


2) Social Movements in S. Korea: Democracy and transitional Justice

정근식, 학생운동연구를 위한 방법론적 모색」, 이호룡・정근식 편, 『학생운동의 시대』, 선인. 2013.12 pp.17-59.(Lee and Jung ed., The Age of Students Movement, Seoul: Sunin).

정근식. “진실규명과 화해, 어디까지 왔는가? : 진실·화해위원회 활동의 결산”, 『황해문화』 67, 2010.6 pp. 86-119 (Where the Truth and Reconciliation have been come?: The Accounts of Truth and Reconciliation Committee, Hwanghae Culture 67)

정근식ㆍ이병천 편저, 『식민지 유산, 국가형성, 민주주의』, 서울: 책세상, 2012.12 (정근식ㆍ이병천, 서장: 식민지유산과 민주주의, 시각과 방법) (Jung and Lee, Colonial legacy, State Formation, Democracy, Seoul:Chaegsesang.)


3) Kwangju Problem: ‘March for the loved’

정근식, 「임을 위한 행진곡: 1980년대 비판적 감성의 대전환」, 『역사비평』112, 역사비평사. 2015.8 pp.252-277. (March for the loved: Turn of the critical sensitivity in 1980’s, Yeoksabipyung 112)

鄭根埴, 韓國の民主主義, 光州抗爭, 移行期正義, 『歷史評論』738, 東京: 校倉書房, 2011.10, pp.29-41. (Korean Democracy, Kwangju Uprising, Transitional Justice, Review of History, Tokyo: Azekurashobo)


  • 5.28 (10,00-12.00/ 13.00-17.00)


1) Oral history and Memory studies in S. Korea

정근식, 한국에서의 사회적 기억 연구의 궤적: 다중적 이행과 지구사적 맥락에서, 『민주주의와 인권』 13-2, 전남대학교 5.18연구소. 2013.8 pp.347-393. (The Trajectory of social memory studies in Korea: in the context of multiple transitions and global history, Democracy and Human Rights 13-2)

정근식, 한국사회사학 30년의 성과와 과제, 『사회와 역사』100, 한국사회사학회. 2013.12 (30 years of Korean Social History Studies: Accomplishments and Lessons, Society and History 100)

정근식, 사회적 타자와 소수자 연구, 『경제와 사회』100. 한국비판사회학회. 2013.11 (For the social others and minority study, Economy and Society 100)


2) Gaesung Industrial Complex : South and North Korea

김병로・김병연・박명규 외 8인 공저, 『개성공단 연구』, 서울: 진인진, 2015.7 (정근식・김윤애, 공단밖의 변화: 개성주민과 북한사회, pp.311-361) (Jung and Kim, Gaesung Industrial Complex and Social Change in North Korea, Kim and Park et al, Studies on the Gaesung Industrial Complex, Seoul: Jininjin)


3) Post-cold war and border battlefield tourism in Kinmen

Szonyi, Michael, Cold War island : Quemoy on the front line, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008.

오준방・정근식, 「금문도 냉전생태의 형성과 해체-지뢰전시관 형성의 경로를 따라서」, 『사회와 역사』104, 한국사회사학회. 2014.12, pp.7-43. (Wu Junbang and Jung Keunsik, The Formation and Disintegration of Cold War Ecology in Kinmen: on the trajectory of buildup of museum, Society and History 104)

정근식, 동아시아 냉전·분단체제의 격자구조와 ‘냉전의 섬’들, 서울대 통일평화연구원, 『양안에서 통일과 평화를 생각하다』, 진인진, 2016.4.


  • 6.4 (10.00-12.00 / 13.00-17.00)


1) Soviet Army monuments in East Asia

정근식,「냉전과 소련군기념비: 중국과 북한에서의 형성, 분화, 영향」, 『아시아리뷰』5-1, 서울대 아시아연구소. 2015.8 pp.195-230. (Cold War and Soviet Army Monuments in China and North Korea, Asia Review 5-1)

정근식,「동아시아의 냉전・분단체제의 형성과 해체: 지구적 냉전하의 동아시아를 새롭게 상상하기」, 임형택 편, 『한국학의 학술사적 전망 2』, 소명출판. 2014.5 pp.41-76. (Formation and Breakdown of East Asian Cold War-Division Regime, Lim ed., Prospect of Korean Academic History, Seoul: Somyung Press).

정근식, 우즈베키스탄의 민족국가만들기: 20년의 궤적과 전통의 재구성, 전경수 편, 『우즈베키스탄으로부터 배운다』, 민속원, 2013.6. (The Nation-State building in Uzbekistan, Chun ed., Learning from the Uzbekistan, Seoul:Minsokwon)


2) Soviet Army monuments in global perspective

Berlin, Vienna, Tallin, and Sofia

Ivanova, Mina, 2014, The Bulgarian Monument to the Soviet Army: Visual Burlesque, Epic, and the Emergence of Comic Subjectivity, Quarterly Journal of Speech, 2014, Vol.100(3), p.273-302.

Kattago, Siobhan, 2009, War Memorials and the Politics of Memory: the Soviet War Memorial in Tallinn, Constellations, Mar 2009, Vol.16(1), pp.150-166.

Dirk Verheyen, United City, Divided Memories? Cold War Legacies in Contemporary Berlin, 2008.

Uhl, Heidemarie ; Forrester, Sandra, 2009, Conflicting Cultures of Memory in Europe: New Borders between East and West?, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 01 January 2009, Vol.3(3), p.59-72.


3) Report Presentation and Discussion (Summary in A4 5pages and ppt presentation)