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Short Term mobilities

Application requirements for conference trips

Eligible for funding are scientists and scholars with a doctorate who have proven their research achievements and who are integrated into the German science system and whose life is centred in Germany in the long term. This also includes emeriti.
German and foreign scientists and scholars conducting research abroad are eligible to apply if they are funded by a German funding organisation abroad and do not receive funding from this organisation for congress and lecture tours.
Furthermore, German and foreign doctoral students who are conducting research abroad are only eligible to apply if they are enrolled for a full doctorate at a German university.
German and foreign scientists who are resident and employed abroad are not eligible for funding.
During the doctorate and in the first five years after the doctorate, funding is possible once per calendar year, thereafter every second calendar year.
This regulation applies to all grants in the three programme lines: congress trips, lecture tours and HAW.International: congress and exhibition trips.
Employees of non-university institutions and freelancers are eligible to apply during the doctorate and in the first five years after the doctorate.
This five-year period may be extended if proof of child-raising periods for children under 12 years of age can be provided for this period.

Selection criteria

The DAAD supports congress trips in accordance with the following criteria:

  •     Plausible justification of the trip
  •     Significance of the trip for the applicant's career/professional perspectives, for the field of study and for international scientific cooperation
  •     Academic achievements, including periods abroad and awards
  •     Publication performance over the last five years (number and impact)
  •     Relationship between travel costs and income

In addition, the size of the available budget is decisive. Please take into account already during the planning stage that experience shows that not all applications can be funded.

Application Deadline

4 months before the conference trip!!!


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde e. V. supports minor research activities of members.

Applications can usually be submitted until September via Email.

The following activities are eligible for funding

  •     to collect, analyse or present research data,
  •     to obtain data or access to sources,
  •     for the organisation of conferences and panels at international conferences,
  •     for the exploration of research topics and international research cooperations,
  •     to present research results at international conferences,
  •     for the professional translation of own works for publication in Asian languages
  •     to transfer knowledge to the general public.

The following are excluded from funding

  • The purchase of literature, working materials, software, etc.; reproduction and photocopying costs; processing fees, free purchase of publications for Open Access, translation and copy editing of own publications in non-Asian languages, teaching or teaching substitutes, remuneration of interview partners, etc.

Necessary components of each application are

  •     the name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the applicant*in
  •     Academic short resume: Max. 150 words
  •     Title of the activity to be supported
  •     Description of the activity (research question, theoretical reference if applicable, methods, preliminary work, expected results) and, if applicable, the larger context (research work, project, etc.)
  •     Justification for the request for funding (relevance for the applicant / DGA / Asian Studies): Max. 500 words
  •     Budget and timetable (with justification and details of the overall budget if partial funding is requested): Max. 300 words
  •     supporting documents (as PDF): Max. three pages

The office confirms receipt of the application but does not carry out any formal or substantive examination. The administrative office is not authorised to advise members on matters relating to the application.

All information on the Small Grants Programme (PDF) at http://asienforschung.de/ressourcen/small-grants-programme/

Applications can be submitted any time. Selection will take about 4-5 weeks.

Application documents. Please also read the application criteria on the ERG website carefully before applying.

  • CV   
  • motivation letter

  • description of travel, travel period, destination, reason for the trip    

  • detailed budget plan and third-party funding

  • recommendation letter of supervisor        

  • enrolment confirmation or personnel number

  • relation to FU Berin


Within the context of performance-based allocation of funds for the advancement of women*’s equality at Freie Universität Berlin, the women's representative of the Department of History and Cultural studies invites applications for material subsidies at the Department of History and Cultural Studies. Only members of the department may apply.

These funds will be used in particular to support the scientific careers of women*. They are used specifically for the promotion of research and teaching of women* at the faculty. The grant will be announced once or twice a year through the History and Cultural Studies mailing list. 

1. Support for individuals

This funding line shall serve as individual promotion of academic and professional career development and requires a clearly defined timeframe and reasons for applying.

Examples: Subsidies for travel expenses, accommodation costs for conference participation (only with self-contribution), archive or research trips (application with detailed budget plan according to the Federal Travel Expenses Act, as well as time and travel plan), further and advanced education courses, employment of other people with work contracts), which enable women* to support their career development in academia.

2. Promotion of projects

Funding in this area aims to support projects in which gender studies and gender issues play a role. The projects supported can be used for start-up financing, often also as co-financing, and must clearly show that they are feasible. Examples: Conferences and resulting publications, workshops for young female* scientists, other scientific events in the department that contribute to the networking and visibility of gender studies in the department.


The written application should include the following:

  • a cover letter with explanations of the project and a justification of the eligibility of the project, as well as the reference to the study or doctorate and a project description
  • a detailed expense budget of the amount of funding applied for (including information on further funding applications for the same project and already approved co-financing)
  • proof of FU membership by enrolment papers or personnel number
  • Indication of reasons for the application for this funding in particular
  • Copies of invoices/documents, if applicable (no original documents!) (e.g. conference invitations, or documented flight itinerary to a conference)
  • In the case of (1) "Support for individuals": a curriculum vitae of the applicant.

Further documents shall be submitted upon request.

Only women* of the Faculty of History and Cultural Studies are eligible to apply for "(1) Individuals". For "(2) Projects/Content", all members of the Faculty of History and Cultural Studies are eligible to apply. The person submitting the application and the beneficiary must both have a recognizable relationship to the intended project(s) and be either employed or enrolled at Freie Universität Berlin.


The allocation of material resources is not performance-related, but needs-based, and therefore does not depend on the academic achievements or grades.

  • Subsequent support of projects already carried out is not possible.
  • The purchase of computers and other devices and accessories is not supported.
  • The participation on summer schools is not supported.
  • Women's* funding does not award doctoral scholarships.
  • Only one application per person is considered per bid.
  • The application volume should not exceed EUR 2000.00€.


We expect your applications by e-mail. Please send the application as a Word or PDF document! The application should not exceed five pages (not included are the curriculum vitae as well as the detailed cost statement)!

Please note that applications that do not comply with the specifications will not be considered!

The application is explicitly open to women with a trans background, provided the civil status has changed

If you have any questions, please contact: frauenbeauftragte[at]geschkult.fu-berlin.de

Once a year, supported by the Peters Beer Foundation as well as the Marga und Kurt Möllgaard Foundation, both part of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Donors' Association for the Promotion of Humanities and Sciences in Germany), the Max Weber Foundation (MWS) confers Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants to young academics with an international focus.

The travel grants are meant to improve the career opportunities for humanities and social science academics in their qualification phase. The scientists conduct a self-chosen research project in at least two and at most three host countries which are home to MWS institutes and branches or at the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History (for a list of the host countries please see "Countries and regions"). The total term of funding shall not exceed three months. Placements (at most one month per host country, shorter stays are possible) are to be used for research, especially in libraries and archives. Academics are expected to produce transnational and transregional studies, providing research with new and original ideas. The research placements should ideally be completed within 12 months, or at most 24. 


Funding is based on the rates of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and covers:

  • documented travel costs for travel to the foreign institute and back (least expensive route);
  • daily rates between € 27.00 and € 62.00 depending on the host country;
  • lodging in one of the institute’s inexpensive guest rooms depending on the host country chosen and on availability.

Countries and regions

China, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Senegal, Singapore, Turkey, USA

Applications for the country of the applicant’s main place of residence will not be considered.

Research placements in Germany are only eligible for funding if the recipient plans at least two more stays at the foreign institutes or the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History. 

Conditions for application

Applications may be filed by highly qualified humanities and social science academics of any nationality (highest degree must be at least a Master, M.A., state examination or German Diplom) who have already published and can present a research plan. Applications for projects related to research priorities pursued by the Foundation’s institutes/branches will take precedence.

A re-application is only possible if this has been explicitly stated in the rejection letter.

Application papers

All application papers must be submitted in German or English. A complete application will comprise the following information:

  • completed application form;
  • a detailed presentation (max. 3-5 pages) of the intended research project, stating the sources which justify the stay in the specific host countries or at the institutes;
  • copies of certificates (examinations, PhD certificate); 
  • list of publications;
  • a reference opinion from an expert which should provide information on the applicant’s status and the progress of work and be sent directly to the Max Weber Foundation’s central office;
  • a letter confirming supervision by the host institution in Germany, if applicable.

Selection criteria

  • Academic excellence
  • Transnational topic
  • Submitted project contributes to further academic qualification
