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In this section you can find more information on our funding opportunities as well as other possibilities to apply and search for funding in Germany.

Freie Universität does not require any tuition fees, however, an enrolment fee needs to be paid every semester, which covers a ticket for public transport and a contribution to the student union and the student support service of about EUR 300.  Please note that the structured programme is designed to be a full-time, on-site programme and it is not foreseen to work alongside doctoral studies.

Our graduate school offers a number of funding opportunities through DAAD-GSSP programme, and with the Chinese Scholarship Council (FUB-CSC). Apart from this, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers a number of funding possibilities, as do other foundations in Germany and abroad. Candidates that are not offered a scholarship can be admitted to the programme if they secure their own external funding. We strongly encourage you to apply to other grant-giving institutions or foundations a year in advance and at the same time you apply to the GEAS. We are happy to provide documentation when necessary or give advice on possible scholarship foundations in Germany and East Asia.